Friday, January 13, 2012

Do You Have Your Artist Eyes On?

Happy Friday the 13th! (bum bum bummmm.....)
It's been a good few days! I made my first sales on the Etsy shop: Two pairs of earrings and a necklace, and I couldn't be more thrilled with these sales.
 These earrings are turquoise and silver beads- very Middle Eastern bazaar, don't you think?
 These swirly ones remind me of cozy sweaters on a cold day...
And this one is a tribute to hidden treasures in ordinary places... who would look for a fairy in a pomegranate?
I have so many more ideas knocking about my brain, it's hard to keep sketching them all! Inspiration can and does come from EVERYWHERE, as long as you have your "artist eyes" on. Artist eyes is a phrase I coined originally to describe my feelings wandering the streets of Paris in college. I lived in the city for a semester to study art history and studio art and French culture (bien sur!)
The light is different there, softer, fuzzy around the edges be it a cold, grey, rainy day (which they usually were in November), or a bright and sunny day. In that light ordinary objects took on a special significance, I SAW them. Most of us rush through our days with a hundred little thoughts bombarding our consciousness, and we don't see the world around us. How many times have we stopped and said, "Gee, I didn't even know that was there!" about a lamppost or mailbox or handpainted sign that's been there for ages. In Paris I saw everything as it was in that moment, and so I say I found my artist eyes there.

The footbridge to the Louvre on a sunny morning....
...and the same bridge at the same time another day.
Notre Dame cathedral from the river Seine on a sunny day

Amazing sunlight on a building on a walk home from classes one afternoon.

And who can go to Paris without visiting a gargoyle or two?

Many people become very nervous when the term "artist" is thrown around. They immediately think, "Oh, I can't draw a stick figure, I'm not an artist, so I can't have artist eyes..." This is completely incorrect- we all can have artist eyes, if we slow down enough and LOOK around us.
So I plan to keep my artist eyes on and open from now on...

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